Gray day (but that's ok)
We've had about one day of sunshine in the last couple of weeks. Rain, rain and more rain, torrential-like or just a drizzle, mild and damp or bonechillingly cold and wet - the lack of light being the most predominant part of the whole weather scene. Oh well, I don't mind. I get kind of drousy, but there's nothing more sweet than returning to a snug, warm house after being outside on a rainy autumn day. There'll definitely be hot chocolate with whipped cream for the kids when thay come home from school and kindergarten :3 After a pretty busy period with my sister's wedding (hooray!), Emma's fourth birthday (I think I'll make a post about this next time) and the general hazzle of everyday life being extra hazzly (yes, I know that's not a word), I finally have some time to focus on the sweetest time of year - Christmas! If you disagree that Christmas is the best time of year, well - just be glad you don't live in my home, I'd drive you absolutely crazy, I promise :D So, the present-making has started, and to inspire you with some DIY-goodness, I'll share with you some of the things I made last year (and waited until now to share, because I didn't want to reveal to many presents to the ones they were meant for before they got them). Let's start off with bottle cap-magnets - these are so much fun to make!
Here's an amigurumi mushroom too, crocheted around a tiny jar, for storing saffron or something else small and precious :3 |
Then I glued super strong magnets from Clas Ohlson to the back - and then they were ready! |
Of course I had to make some Christmas-magnets too |
And a few foresty ones... The paper in the bottom of the cap was painted by me and the kids - we put some paint on paper, and folded to make the "veiny" pattern (blue in this one). |
Vintage-style |
Ocean-magnets for my in-laws :) They're on the fridge at the cottage (which is by the sea). Fun to use real sea shells! And the veined paper, and felt tip pens for the sea creatures |
...I hope you were inspired :) A snug autumn afternoon to all! |