

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Baby Shower Cake

There's nothing so amazing and strange like babies - they are soft, smell so nice, fill your heart with love - and at the same time they are big mysteries: where did they come from, who are they, really, how do you make them happy, why are they crying right now, are those spots normal, isn't he a bit too warm, what will she look like in a year, in three, in ten? It's completely crazy and utterly wonderful. You know what I'm talking about, R - again, good luck!

It's a little bizarre with an edible baby...

Loads of fondant mixed with marzipan and plenty of food colouring makes for a blue, purple and white baby shower-cake, decorated with soft, white sugar pearls and fondant-ribbons.

Fondant bow and ribbon with edible pearl spray to make it nice and shiny :)
Inside, one tier with chocolate cake and rich chocolate butter cream, and top tier with red velvet and butter cheese cream :3

A big smile to you from me :D

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

"Jeg liker bare ting hvis de er rosa..."

Hva er det med små (og noen store) jenter og rosa? Er det bare kommersielt, eller er det virkelig noe spesielt med denne fargen? Det finnes mye å lese om rosa og kjønn, blant annet dette (fra Wikipedia):

"An article in the trade publication Earnshaw's Infants' Department in June 1918 said:
The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl."
Hvem som kler rosa er kanskje en motesak, men en ting de fleste er enige i, er at rosa er en farge forbundet med kjærlighet og romantikk; kanskje det er dette som ligger bak fascinasjonen for mange jenter? Med morsdag søndag som var, Mardi Gras i går og Valentine's Day i morgen er det mye rosa å se i butikkene i byen om dagen. Ekstra mye, mener jeg... Rosa blomster, rosa kort, rosa sjokoladeesker, rosa prinsessekjoler til karnevalsesongen. Og jentene mine er i alle fall veldig fornøyde; med de rosa vingene kjøpt til karneval som var i går, de rosa kjolene de har, den rosa paljetthatten fra H&M, osv. Minstemanns første ord for farge var "lillarosa." Jeg liker å tro at jeg ikke har påvirket dem noe på dette området, ettersom jeg ikke er spesielt begeistret for rosa selv - men hvem vet; kanskje jeg er litt hjernevasket innerst inne. Det er i hvert fall ingen overraskelse når man får bestilling på bursdagskake til en jente som fyller 6 år, og den helst skal være rosa :3 

Jeg har vært fremme med silikonen igjen - jeg brukte to Filly-ponnier, en Filly Fairy og en Filly Unicorn, og lagde to grove avstøpninger. Slik kunne jeg forme og fikse litt ut fra dette utgangspunktet. Det sparte meg mye jobb, spesielt på detaljer som hår og kroner, som tar lang tid å håndlage.




En klassisk lys (eller etter min oppfatning lys) sjokoladekake med bringebærkrem (som er bringebær og krem) :3 Rosa fondant over, sjokoladekaketårn med fondant oppå, ponnier malt og på plass, blomsterdetaljer, bord nederst...

Fondantregnbue med navn og alder i Royal Icing (navn sensurert). Rosa nok?


Nyt kvelden :) 



Friday, 8 February 2013

Angel cake

"It's time to post something, and time to do it in Norwegian," I thought. But then I felt like practicing my English again. "It's not called back yard, it's called back garden," a certain English person (whom I'm very fond of by the way ;) ) said to me earlier today, and reminded me how confused I am. British English, American English, Norwegian, and sometimes pure nonsense, and it all comes out in a crazy mix at times... Aaanyway, there's no good way to quote Homer Simpson in Norwegian, is there? Because today's post concerns a cake that can only be described as sacrilicious :3

I made two chocolate sheet cakes, filled them with a rich chocolate butter cream, and made a marbled marzipan-'heaven' to cover it with. Goodness, it's difficult to cover two sheet cakes with one big, thin layer of marzipan o.O
There's a torrent of wind coming down in the top left corner (you can glimpse it in this picture), where the enormous sheet of marzipan cracked a bit and I used some lighter marzipan to repair. Talking about enormous - this angel is not the daintiest of ladies, being a two-packs-of-marzipan-and-a-good-lump-of-fondant-creation...

I put a few lilies and purple what-not on the angel/cake, a bit untidy, perhaps, but oh well. 

I usually end up making quite cartoony characters, both when I draw and when I sculpt. I guess that's no coincidence, as I love comic books, cartoons, anime... I'm kind of pleased with this girl, though, seeing as I had not so much time and about 70% of the family was ill (no rest for the wicked)...

Ah, the old draping ploy... It's fun to use paper-thin fondant to make clothes :) And feathery wings, of course.

A particularly splendid weekend to you all :)