

Sunday, 26 May 2013


Noen barn elsker Lego. Noen elsker Disney-prinsesser. Noen vil ha biler og action-figurer, dukker og ponnier. 

Min eldste datter vil ha Dunderly. Dunderly-monstre, Dunderly-bøker, Dunderly-musikk og Dunderly-bursdag! Og det har jeg ingenting imot. Kløktige Endre Lund Eriksen. Morsomme Endre Skandfer. Flinke Anne Brændeland Hovde. Dunderly kan man lese om her:

Vi innviterte eldstejentas venner til fest med "sette halen på Bulder", monsterball, Dunderly-musikken på høyt volum, vafler til lunsj (Dunderly-monstrenes favorittmat) og Dunderly-kake til dessert :) 

Bulder og Modika, to av yndlingsmonstrene fra dunderly

Stor langpanne med sjokolade og red velvet (som var kakebunner jeg hadde i frysa fra et tidligere prosjekt), fylt med krem, bringebærsyltetøy og bringebær.

Og så hadde lillesøsteren min bursdag for ikke så lenge siden, og når hun kom på besøk i går kveld måtte vi jo ha en kake til henne også :)

En tegneserieaktig Link fra Zelda

Red Velvet med ostekrem, en av søsters favoritter

Det måtte jo bli en Zelda-inspirert kake, med typen tre og blomster som er i "a link to the past", og en helt som tar seg en pust i bakken med ocarinaen i fanger :3

Nyt søndag og forsommer :)

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

A Little Tale of Fairies

Springtime has turned into a grey, mushy, slightly stressful affair. I know it's temporary. I know I'll start making something else than crochet-mushrooms soon. And I know the tiny, annoying fairy tale creatures with and without wings are gnomes, fairies, leprechauns, sprites and so forth, and certainly not by folklore terms "elves". But I like Morris Bishop's "How To Treat Elves" anyway... 

How to Treat Elves

by Morris Bishop  
I met an elf-man in the woods,
the wee-est little elf!
Sitting under a mushroom tall—
'twas taller than himself. 

"How do you do, little elf," I said,
"and what do you do all day?"
"I dance and frolic about," said he,
"and jump about and play! 

"I su'prise the butterflies, and when
a katydid I see,
'Katy didn't!' I say to him, and
'Katy did!' he says to me! 

"I hide behind my mushroom stalk
when Mister Mole comes through,
and only just to fwighten him
I jump out and say, 'Boo!' 

"And then I swing on a cobweb swing,
up in the air so high!
And the crickets chirp just to hear me sing,
'Upsy daisy die!' 

"And then I play with the baby chicks—
I call them, 'Chick! chick! chick!'
And what do you think of that?" said he.
I said, "It makes me sick." 

It gives me sharp and shooting pains
to listen to such drool,
so I lifted up my foot and squashed
the goddamned little fool. 

Yes, yes, mooore mushrooms...

And the tops come off, of course - this was an old asparagus-jar.

No specific plan to start with. They tend to just... Solidify, while I'm crocheting...

Look at this little thing...

...which is a small preserving jar from Clas Ohlson :)

One of my favorite colours on that hat.

No reason to throw out a cute sprinkle jar once the sprinkle is gone...

I look at my little shrooms-collection, and feel there's something annoyingly useless about them, which makes me think of a certain flattened wee creature... Of course, that feeling is completely off - these are probably some of the most useful crocheted mushrooms you're ever going to put your eyes on. Seriously. 

Hope you're having a spectacularly splendid month!